
Posts TaggedWhat I Learned

What I Learned: CSS :focus-visible

I’ve been aware of :focus-visible for a little while now, but haven’t really dug into some of its details. I’ve noticed that browsers have their default behavior and I’ve just left them do their thing without adjusting the focus CSS. Of late, I’ve been digging into accessibility a lot more both for work and my own knowledge and have now finally dug more into :focus-visible.

What I Learned: Integration Testing Blazor Apps with bUnit

I wrote last month about unit testing in Blazor with bUnit. What I didn’t think of at the time was whether bUnit and the same methodology could be used for integration tests as well. Turns out, it can.

What I Learned: C# Aliases

One of the neat features .NET 8 & C# 12 brought is the ability to alias types.

What I Learned: Blazor Auth with Server Side Pre-Rendering

As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been working a lot with Blazor at work and one of the issues I ran into was supporting authentication and user sessions while still supporting server side pre-rendering on certain pages.

What I Learned: Unit Testing Blazor with bUnit

At work, my current project has me using Blazor. Unfortunately that means that my tooling for unit testing the frontend and the UI no longer work for this project. React Testing Library doesn’t work all that well with a Blazor frontend. And by that I mean it just doesn’t work. Enter bUnit.

What I Learned: EventCallback in Blazor

Of late, I’ve been using .NET 8 and Blazor at both work and on my league management side project. One thing that I often need to do is pass data between components. Passing data from a parent component to a child component isn’t terribly difficult with parameters. Passing data from a child to a parent isn’t quite as straightforward.

What I Learned: Test Doubles

I recently read an article by Steve Dunn, Prefer test-doubles over mocking frameworks and it got me reconsidering some of my unit testing strategies.

What I Learned: HTTP GET Requests in Blazor with a .NET Web API & MediatR Gotcha

The side project idea that has gained the most traction with me is the league management web application. I've spent the better part of weekend and then Monday & Wednesday getting the Blazor web app communicating with the Web API I'm also building for it.

What I Learned: React Strict Mode

This past week I started a new React project at work and was dealing with a weird issue with one of my components. It turns out the issue was caused by Strict Mode on React.

What I Learned: HTML Dialog

I know I’m a little late to the game, but I recently learned how to use the new HTML <dialog> element.

What I Learned: LINQ Deferred Query Execution

I’ve been reading Parallel Programming and Concurrency with C# 10 and .NET 6 by Alvin Ashcraft. So far I’ve been learning a lot about how .NET handles threads, parallel programming and concurrency as the title would indicate. But in the meantime, I’ve learned something about LINQ that I probably should’ve realized or learned earlier.

What I Learned: Broccoli & Cauliflower are Cabbages

This year I want to try more things in the kitchen. Try new recipes, new styles, and expand my cooking abilities. At the same time, my wife and I found Good Eats on HBO Max and have been going through and watching it.

What I Learned: More CSS Colors

This past weekend while I was lifting, I was listening to a JS Party podcast episode from April 2023 (yes, I’m that far behind) talking about the new color ranges.

What I Learned: Styling RSS Feeds

I’m a big fan of RSS feeds. I believe that everyone who has a blog or a personal site should have one set up so that others can consume their content. The one downside is that when you open the RSS link in your browser, it renders as XML which can be confusing, especially to those who might not know what RSS or XML is.

What I Learned: C# Primary Constructors

When writing C# code, I often use dependency injection to inject the various services and repositories I need in the class I’m working on. Sometimes that would end up making the top of the classes rather “busy”. C# 12 has introduced a new way to make constructors and I love it.